In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that it is critically important for leaders to learn how to build organizations that are simultaneously values-based, purpose-driven, talent-centric, performance-focused, and principles-led. At a time when the pace of change is faster than ever, building organizations with these five characteristics are no longer optional. You want to succeed by choice, not by chance! The question is what comprises success in the public-sector? Fewer complaints from residents? Short meetings by your governing body? Healthy budgets? Rising bond rating? Fast response times? Improving community survey results? All of these indicators matter, yes, but read on to learn the seven factors on how to “get better all the time” to achieve and sustain success:

  1. Foster a healthy workplace culture – Ours is an employee-centric culture that genuinely values contributions by employees, supports their continued growth and development and our leaders are credible and influential. Our mindset is resilient, we are not know it alls, but instead learn it alls and we choose every day to be community builders. We recognize that pressure is a privilege!
  2. Are clear on our vision and mission – Ours is a shared vision, not a vision shared. The clarity of our vision and mission set the framework for assessing the performance of our organization and provides everyone involved a sense of purpose, direction, significance, and achievement. Moreover, our mission is used for hiring new talent and promoting employees.
  3. Define outcomes and focus on results – We understand results are more than outputs, so we define outcomes. Measures of performance are developed and communicated in a timely way to the entire workforce. Outcomes and performance measures are the tools the organization and its stakeholders use to focus on results.
  4. Have a modern approach to attracting, developing and retaining talent – We realize that you lead people whereas you manage things. We partner with our employees and focus on hiring for “fit” and promoting based on performance. We regularly invest in our people to grow their skills and help them success. We support our employees chasing their dreams.
  5. Empower employees – Each of our employees is a Chief Experience Officer in the interactions they are creating with our customers. To reach high performance, employees are empowered to apply their skills, creativity, ability to adapt to change, and capacity to be continuous learners to achieve the organization’s mission. We have policies and procedures, but also operate from principles and purpose.
  6. Embrace change, are flexible and adjust nimbly to new conditions – Our leaders are fluent in change and our employees are encouraged to take initiative, innovate, and take risks.
  7. Maintain communications with stakeholders – Successful organizations develop effective channels of communication to keep stakeholders involved in the process of continuous improvement. We have a modern approach to building social capital with community members and sustaining healthy relationships with our elected officials.

We have a proven track record of helping a number of government leaders transition, and sometimes transform, their organization to a high degree of performance. Please contact me at so we can share how we can help you and your workforce “get better all the time.”