Where is Patrick?
Team Performance
Fostering teamwork is a priority for many leaders and the benefits are abundantly clear: improved productivity; more effective execution of organizational priorities; and enhanced employee empowerment.

Our work is aimed at helping teams perform better while satisfying individual needs at the same time. Through effective group development activities (people’s eyes glaze over when team building is mentioned), goals and norms become clearer and team members become better at confronting difficulties and understanding the roles of their teammates.
We have developed a framework that we utilize in our “iron sharpens iron” approach with groups: the “Six Realms of Leadership” members of the executive leadership team operate in: 1) Self-awareness; 2) to the top executive; 3) to colleagues on the executive leadership team; 4) to one’s staff members; 5) to elected officials; and 6) to members of the community.
Our role is an essential element to a successful process and achieving desired outcomes. These key skill sets reflect our philosophy and approach:
- Effective facilitation skills and meeting management
- Extensive knowledge of local government
- In-depth expertise in providing a range of change and organizational effectiveness strategies and tactics
- Add value during the discussion and throughout the process
- Fair, objective and impartial to all participants
- Stimulate and encourage discussion and creative ideas
- Treat everyone equally and with respect
- Excellent communication skills
Kristin Esty-Ibarra is a certified administrators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI is a reliable assessment process designed to help individuals better understand themselves and others in an effort to improve interpersonal relationships.
We are experts at striking a healthy balance between our two roles: content and process. Based on our in-depth experience of local government and our extensive record of consulting with other governments we can provide substantive content to organizational leaders as they seek practical and imaginative solutions.
We have:
• Helped leadership teams take organizations through times of change.
• Shown field workers how to collaborate more successfully and integrate new members into existing teams.
• Contributed structure and process to team interactions, so groups, teams and governing bodies can function effectively and make high-quality decisions.

Success Stories

City of Austin, Texas
Patrick Ibarra designed and facilitated a series of leadership workshops in 2021, for the Development Services Department.

City of Banning, California
In 2020, the City retained Patrick Ibarra to design and facilitate a Leadership Development Advance meeting with members of the Executive Leadership Team. The purpose was to fortify a recently assembled executive team, help clarify a shared direction including goal setting.

City of Buckeye, Arizona
Patrick Ibarra designed and facilitated a full-day Advance meeting of Community Services management team in a rapidly growing community that focused on the six realms of leadership, cultivating a healthy workplace culture and operationalizing the department’s strategic plan.
“Patrick has the knowledge and directly related experience to connect with our staff. He’s very engaging, has a wonderful sense of humor and facilitates in such a way that’s thought-provoking, helpful and inspiring.”
As consultants to government organizations, the members of the Mejorando Group provide expertise in all aspects of performance improvement and organizational effectiveness services, including government succession planning, leadership and management development and training, strategic planning, performance coaching and group/development/team building.